Oh well.
Happy May Day, and welcome to my new blog address!
I'm still working on getting organized (A big shocker to none of you, I know.) around here on the new blog address, but I was beginning to think I'd never get up the nerve to move entirely if I waited until everything was in place, so...I picked the date and here I am.
If you look you will find that my blog roll is now on a secondary page (see the link up near the top...) and when you click on it, you will then see that I haven't moved too many blogs over yet....I am working on it, day by day, and I am determined to get things wrapped up here within the next few weeks!
Also, please bear with me as I get used to Blogger verses Typepad. Just so you know, I was perfectly happy over at Typepad, but I admired my friend Kristen's Blog look (Isn't it nice? And she's just so witty and tells it lie it is.) and so I decided to go with her Blog Designer. Designer blogs was happy to do my blog makeover, but they don't work with Typepad, so... here I am.
If you haven't already, please feel free to follow me on FaceBook or Twitter, over there on my sidebar.
Also, since my blog is new, I have to start a whole new "Followers" box, so feel free to join in over there too!