
Monday, January 2, 2012

A new word for my new year....and a giveaway to celebrate it.

The last couple of years I decided to join the growing number of bloggers and friends that chose a word to focus on for the year. (You can find my post about my word from last year here.) I'm also doing the same Banner Giveaway that I did last year as well!

For my Giveaway:
To refresh your memory on what you need to do to enter for my Giveaway, here are the rules, in three easy steps:

1. comment on this post before Friday, January 27th at midnight, sharing the word you've chosen, and why.**Make sure you leave an email address if you are commenting as "Anonymous" so I can get a hold of you if you win!**

2. Saturday, January 28th I will draw one comment and pick a winner.

3. The winner will get a custom banner sent to them in their inbox of their word for the year.

Last year, my word was BALANCE, which was the same word I used in 2010. In many ways, I think I did an admirable job of achieving that word. Okay, maybe not actually achieving it, but I definitely inched a little closer to it, and for me, that's no small feat. Having that word was a good reminder to me all year long of what I was trying to move towards, at any rate.


I am still kind of in the same mindset these days..and so many words work towards similar any rate, after thinking long and hard, I made my choice.....

My word for twenty-twelve is ORGANIZE. I think I have the Joy, Bliss, Happiness, and Trust areas in check, but I am constantly finding myself over-booked...with commitments made, work, family, chores, fun...not to mention,a gajillion ideas of more things I want to do. (See? It seems like a slight variation on last years word of Balance, I know...but for me it's about time management,and planning for things that really matter, and making time count. That, and the fact that I felt like I shouldn't pick the same word THREE years running...)

This year I plan to hone in on putting more order in my life...and striving to become more organized seems the natural progression after striving for balance.
Okay, now how about you? Are you choosing a word for the year? If you are, what is it, and why?

I'd love to hear from you and maybe you'll win my custom made banner!


  1. Revitalize! That's my word. I want to revitalize my relationships and make it clear to those I love how important they are. I want to revitalize my self confidence, and know that I can handle any situation that comes my way. I want to revitalize my wardrobe, which will mean revitalizing my knowledge of a healthy life style. I want to revitalize my faith, and know that the power larger than myself is watching over me and guiding me to a place exactly where I am supposed to be. And finally, I want to revitalize my eagerness for knowledge which means I will have to make a sincere effort to take time for myself to read and absorb. Revitalize! A new slate, a new year, and a new look at life!

  2. My word is BELIEVE.
    It's a postive word, something I can do everyday and can be spiritual or earthly.

    It's also Weight Watchers word, but I decided to keep my word anyway.

  3. My word is ORGANIZATION but if I turn it into a banner I think I will go with ORGANIZE. I am going to post on what I am doing toward my goal word every once in awhile.

  4. My word for 2012 is De-Clutter! It is time for a daily reminder to get rid of stuff. I get so attached to stuff that it is time to cut the apron strings. Maybe for 2013 I can choose the word organize.

  5. This is my third year choosing a word to focus on. The word for 2012 is TIME. I really want to make better use of the time I have....

  6. My word is savor. My baby is a senior in high school and I realize after having been through this before, just how quickly the months will fly before she leaves for college. I also realize how quickly the house will become quiet. No more friends popping in, no more endless meetings, projects, etc. I have enjoyed the ride with my kids and I am going to savor every last bit of crazy chaos while it is still here.

  7. Emerge, is going to be my word. Since my divorce I've been doing damage control and trying to figure out who I am in this new world. I've made a lot of progress, actually. And this is the year for me to come into my own a little bit more. I have a plan, so I'm optimistic!

  8. MY word is Trust ! I have had many changes in my life over the last few years and though I have trusted the Lord I still tend to "worry" my prayers, especially when it comes to my children. So this year I want to learn to "trust" more and worry less ! Thank you for your blog Tracey . As I have said before I feel like we are "friends". Blessings to you and your family in 2012 !

  9. Fail. Because I've been to cautious. I detailed it in my blog post. Thank you for the inspiration!

  10. Balance is a good word for me. Thanks for sharing this idea with all of us. Hugs Mary

  11. I am embracing the same word that I did last January......forgive. It can be such a toughy for me in some areas. It is the last word I look at at night and first in the morning as I put in on a block of wood.......

  12. My word this year is bloom, as in bloom where you are planted. I'm reading a book right now that talks about doing just that. Even thought I seem to be surrounded by weeds I can still choose to bloom!
    fulleraluv at hotmail dot com

  13. My 2012 word is "Become" in become more confident, become more organized.....mostly become
    who I was meant to be! This is a great idea, and my second year to choose a word. See it becoming a tradition. Thanks!

  14. My 2012 word is to take ACTION. I am great at deciding what to do and what needs to be done, gathering/buying needed items, making lists, etc. Only problem is I am so busy getting ready I often don't get around to "doing"! This year my goal is to take those ideas/plans, decide on a realistic deadline, and then take ACTION. This is a perfect word since it can be applied to my art, my online business, and my day-to-day life!

  15. I nevr got into the word game with the bloggers, but I would love a chance to win some of your work! I think I will pick the word 'simplify'. I could use a whole lot of that.

  16. I went around and around about a word this year, but I finally chose CARE. I figured it covered all the bases that I really wanted out of the new year: truly caring for myself, my body, my home, others, and most of all my family.
    It has a rhyming companion of prayer, because sometimes I think I'm gonna need prayer in order to care!

  17. Tracey, I was wondering where I picked up the idea of a word of the year & I think it was your blog come to think of it! My word last year was REFLECT - my oldest was graduating from high school & I had a ton of work to do to finish her scrapbooks before graduation. Made it thru graduation, shopped (or should I say thrifted) like a mad woman & just had a blast the rest of the year buying tons of things I didn't need but as any thrifter/shopper knows the thrill is in the hunt! So, it should be as no surprise that this year my word is SIMPLIFY! A few months ago took out a booth at a local flea market with my sister to get rid of some stuff - oh my we still have plenty of things to stock it with. So, this year - I am all about letting go of STUFF! And, to honor that - if I should be selected I'd like to ask you to pass this onto whoever you should choose. One less thing I have to purge. Afterall, life isn't about things! Peace my friend! Love your blog & the fact that you are so happy with your Rock 'n Roll Buddy! :)

  18. "declutter" is my word..which is close to "organize"...27 years of marriage clutter, 26 years of kids clutter, 4 years of granddaughter clutter and all the memories that go with that clutter...once that is done then maybe I can start enjoying retirement and get creative.

  19. Well, thanks to your blog, I have chosen a word to represent myself and 2012. It is the first time I have done this and I thought long and hard while in line at the grocery store! My word is "conserve". It is the word I felt best embodies my hope to make better use of my personal resources and those of the world. I hope to honor, protect, use wisely and take the best care possible of these resources. It may be related to health, family, friendship or finances.

  20. After a very chaotic 2011, my word is going to be focus....i will strive to focus on one task to completion in 2012 in stark comparison to my 2011 MULTITASKING every minute and actually finishing very little but feeling all the guilt that goes with unfinished projects and the space they take up in my mind.....Wishing everyone lots of luck with their goals in 2012 and happy new year....

  21. I think my 2012 word is kindness - I want to find more ways to show kindness and ways to accept kindness, sometimes that's the hardest part.

  22. CREATE. This year I need to make sure I make time to create things and in turn make my inner crafty lady/artist happy. pnsy3(at)

  23. OK...I have officially chosen my word for is WHOLESOME !! I shall aspire to apply this idea to my life via choices,thoughts, deeds, diet,relationships, work habits and attitude in general. I must admit I was strongly influenced by reading A.J.Jacobs, Year of living biblically. A fine read and obviously thought provoking.

  24. TODAY. The only day I need to worry about. The only day I've got. The best day of my life. Today. :)

  25. CONTENTMENT....I need to be content with my MANY blessings.I need to remember know the Lord has given me everything I need with HIS love and salvation, not to mention my family, health, and friends. Many blessings on the new year to you Tracey!


  26. Hi Tracey,
    I am thinkng of just one word. I am starting a new life this year! I don't want to say diet but a change to get healthier and stay that way.I want to clean out closets and and be happy and be thankful for everyday and every gift I have been given! Let's see Makeover-Declutter-Thankful-How can I pick one word?? I'll be thinking about this one!

  27. I hear you, over committ and unorganised go hand in hand in my house hold. Multi tasksing is so over rated. Wow but one word! Blessings, declutter, thankful, inspired, love, happiness. I cant pick a word. Thank you so much for sharing. I hope twenty twelve is everything you wish for and more. I look forward to engaging throughout the year. Cheers SpecialK XoXo

  28. Hi. Love your site! I'm a new blogger and found your site. Thanks for the opportunity to share my word for this year...After bouncing back and forth between a few words...I'm going with CREATE. I love to create. It makes me smile! Thanks and Happy New Year.

  29. Hi Tracey!

    You picked a great word for the year! When you figure out how to organize all those commitments and ideas (which I'm sure you will)be sure to let us know how you mastered it! :)

    My word for 2012 is COURAGE. It's going to be a year of big I think an extra dose of courage is in order.

    Have a wonderful 2012!

  30. My word this year is Intentions. I got the idea from reading a book about trying to live a better life. Rather than setting resolutions I am trying to figure out how I want to "live" and then actively make goals to live up to these intentions.
    This is the second year I have consciously picked a word but in looking back I think I have unconsciously picked one to live my life by. Words that come to mind are Simplify, Heal, Expand and Create. I hope to keep this tradition going for many years.

  31. Great idea for a give away.

    My word for 2012 is FORGIVE. I think life would be a lot less stressful if we were easier on ourselves and those around us.

  32. STRESSLESS is the word I choose. I have done a pretty good job of getting all the stress out of my life the past few years but some of it still lingers. It makes me nervous and very unsettled so that is my goal this year to not STRESS about those little details, just go with the flow and whatever will be, will be!

    God Bless,

  33. My word for the year is "home". Not as noble as others, I guess, but having moved 21 times in 15 years and finally, finally (!!!) being somewhere I can put my feet up and settle in and create a long-term home for my family is really where my heart is in this season. It encompasses a lot of things for me -- a place where family is grown and honored, where creativity can thrive, and where I can most be myself, flaws and all. I'd love a "home" banner to hang in my house to help keep me focused on what really matters in this sometimes-crazy life. :) Thanks for the giveaway!

  34. Tracey, I have to say (organize) too... i thought about (prioritize) but, that whole organization thing has to take
    Have a great week! Thanks for sharing a part of your life.
    Best wishes,

  35. My word for 2012 is "Focus"...on my faith, family, and the things that really matter.

  36. COMPEL is why I am writing this ! I feel compelled to share, because your blog is so sweet and compelling. So my word COMPEL is how I will make decisions this year, following a deeper instinct and higher calling. I would like to be gifted like my new wolf-husky pup "Stella", feeling her way through life with a confidence none to humans, knowing all is perfectly as it is!

    Thank you Tracey,

  37. Organize. That is a great word for me for 2012. I have struggled with being unorganized all my life! I have been really working on it the last few months and. Am pleased to say i am making headway!
    Please enter me!
    Have a pretty day!

  38. Happy New Year! Thank you for the giveaway! That will be a super way to keep the guiding word in front of us.
    My word for 2012 is *SPARKLE*~~~~

  39. My email address is

  40. Sometimes I think me and you are " Thing One and Thing Two "...Lol. So many of your blog posts could have been written by me. My Favorite Martian post included.... currently in an extraterrestrial relationship myself...
    My word last year was "Bliss" ....I did pretty well at finding that. This year I'm choosing " Accomplish." This is an all encompassing word for me... To finish the two books I'm writing, make more of my jewelry/ artwork business, finish out my house, put more training on my horse and run my life like the well oiled machine it can be... too many "squeaks " lately. If I can accomplish all that, I will see what I can really do ! Happy New Year !!!!

  41. PURPOSE--Because 2011 was a difficult year in which I found myself floundering, I am looking at 2012 as the year in which I do things with PURPOSE and meaning.

    Thank you for the inspring blog and wonderful giveaway!

  42. 'Organize' is my word for 2012. I waste so much time chasing that elusive 'thing' that I've misplaced somehow. Everything SHOULD have a place and everything SHOULD be put in it's place. Love following your blog. I think many of us relate to you.

  43. My word for 2012 is "NOW." I am a HUGE procrastinator so hopefully having this word in my mind and up above my kitchen window ;) will help me. Thank you for the wonderful giveaway! Happy New Year! My email is: Sincerely, Patti H. Livonia, Michigan

  44. TRUST. Last year was Fresh Joy-- learning to see and feel joy no matter my circumstances. This year I feel God tugging me to TRUST Him completely- no matter my circumstances. So here goes...

  45. I have 3 words for my 2012. Create,Laugh,Learn. I need to Create Art more often, then document it (photos), and blog/facebook share. I need to Laugh out loud more often. It's good for the soul {and body}. I want to learn more about todays social technology (facebook, blogs, websites, etc.). Now this is the first time I've ever commented on someones blog. I'm still learning how to do all of this; so I hope this works correctly.[I keep getting error, so I'll try another way to post as my typepad & gmail doesn't seem to accept-?? arrgh with frustration and this is why I need to "Learn" ;) lol] :) I do currently blog, I just don't know (Yet) how to share links, or list the blogs I follow. My email: My blog:

  46. Yeah! it worked and I posted my very first "comment" on a cool blog that I often read. Now if I can just understand what/how it worked to do it again with new blogs! :) LOLOL silly techno challenged me! ;) Thank you for your patience with my rambling; I hope you laugh with me.

  47. I came across a blog during Christmas break. I am a teacher so I had time to get back to blogging. Something I neglected a great deal for the last six months because of on line classes. Here's the addy:
    I have to give her credit for my word, it's Thrive. As she defines it, "Rock what you have." That really resonated with me. I have been so disappointed we could not sell our home and buy something bigger, that I have not appreciated or decorated what I have. Since then I have made positive changes, and I'm happier. Much happier.
    My word is Thrive, I want to rock my home, my relationship, my wardrobe, by career, my age. I am struggling with getting older too. I choose to Thrive

  48. oh by the way, I ended my post with a comment about getting older. My birthday is January 28th. LOL

  49. I think my word is hope...or maybe change. Thanks for the fun! (maybe that should be my word)

  50. my word for 2012 is "BLOOM", whatever my adventure is just open up to ALL the possibilities and BLOOM!


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