Never say never. Isn't that what they say?
I know for me, any time I have ever uttered that word, it has come back to bite me in the behind.
I will never let my baby have a pacifier.
My kids will never do that. (throw a tantrum in public, stay out past curfew, you fill in the blank here….)
I would never go to WalMart in my slippers. (Okay, I only did that one time, and my slippers kinda-sorta looked like wanna-be Uggs.)
I’ll never be divorced.
I’m not moving ever again.(I said it when I moved to Norman Drive in the biggest little city, and three more times since...)
In my family, we will never live with someone without marrying them.
Those last. three. nevers.
Not all that many years back, I recall voicing my holier-than-thou opinions loudly when each of my three children were getting serious with their now spouses/fiance' and decided to move in with them. Each of them politely listened to me lecture from my decoupaged soapbox,(Why buy the cow when you can get the milk for free, marriage is a sacred thing...) and they then proceeded to make their own decisions and choices on the matter.
(I should add here that at the time of this last "never" speech, I myself was married to their father, and was thoroughly convinced that I was well on my way to the finish line in the happily -ever-after race.)
(Well, we all know how that turned out.)
Since then, I have come to realize that the things that are truly important in life aren’t things, that following your heart is the best GPS for finding happiness,and that you should never say never....
I’m moving.
And I’ll be sharing my new home (and my heart) with my Rock n’ Roll Buddy.
I feel for the first time in a very, very, very, long forever, happy. Content. Equal parts comfortable and excited, looking forward to what comes next.